Tuesday, July 16, 2013


SK English Paper 2 – Subjective
Time – 1 hour 15 mins.
No of questions – 3 Total marks – 40 marks
3 Sections – Section A, Section B and Section C
* Pupils are tested on the ability to construct sentences with the correct structure and grammar.
Pupils with a good command of the language are able to express ideas .

Section A - Question 1
- Sentence construction based on given words and graphics.
- A composite picture with helping words based on the picture.
- May use or may not use all the words given
- Must write 5 sentences based on the picture given.

Section B – Question 2
- Information transfer question.
- Pupils have to read and understand information of the 3 items based on the various topics .
- Question 2 a - Word transfer – word and phrase level
- Question 2 b - Sentence level while making a preference into grid (b)
- Remember – Spelling , punctuation ( tanda bacaan ) dan legibility ( tulisan yang jelas )

Section C – Question 3
-Note expansion question.
-Write a composition in a few paragraphs based on the pictures and words given.
-Read instructions carefully before answering the question.
-Pupils who have a good command of English are able to score high marks in this section.


-Look at the pictures and observe the activities and situation in it.
-The helping words given will help pupils get a general idea of what the situation is in the picture.
-Pupils may or may not use the helping words to construct sentences in SectionA and C.
However read the instructions carefully.
-The sentences must be related to the situation in the pictures.
-Pupils must be careful with the spelling of words, capital letters and punctuations when
transferring information from the original text.
-Try not to make grammatical and spelling errors when constructing sentences.
-Simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences can be used to construct sentences.
-Write in paragraphs for Section C.
-Do constant revision of your teachers’ notes , use the dictionary and do a lot of practices in answering the English papers. Do not forget to do all your corrections.

references : http://englishpanelskselama.blogspot.com/p/notes.html

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